I'm someone who gets bored easily. Daily routine is nice for about a week and then I am ready for something new. I need menus, workouts, expectations, and schedules to change a lot. Knowing exactly what is going to happen and when it is going to happen leaves me feeling fuzzy headed with totally met expectations.
Now, don't get me wrong: I want to be the one who sees the need for and initiates change. I also want to be in charge of how it happens!
In that light, I have chosen two new paths lately. First, I have begun the awesome task of serving as a leader for our church's women's ministry. This involves the chance to dream with some amazing women about what it would look like to release our women for ministry. I believe that God has great things in store for the women of Highland Oaks.
Secondly, I have started back to school. The plan had always been for me to finish my Mdiv work. But as I looked into it more, I could not get comfortable with the idea. Finally, I turned the whole thing over to prayer and just sat with it for several months.
During that time, God lead me to some amazing books. One of them, "Joining Forces", was a life changing read for more reasons than I will list here. In that book I read the term 'spiritual direction' for the first time and was overwhelmed with the need to know more about. As I researched, the Spirit kept confirming that I was on a God-given path. That research led me to a training program based here in Dallas.
And so, last Saturday I sat through orientation. I turned in the first paper that I had written in years and received a syllabus. And the entire time, I couldn't stop grinning! This is a three year program and the entire first year is about spiritually forming the student by living in the spiritual disciplines as a community. I am so excited to go to class tomorrow!
I hope that you'll indulge me to share some about this journey with you. In the meantime, what new roads are you traveling?
How exciting!!!!! We all face new roads everyday. It is so scary facing these new roads when we have children, husbands that depend on us everyday, too. I have begun a new road as a first grade teacher. It is the first time I have worked in eight years. It is scary. I truly want to cry EVERY DAY!!! But I can do it and so can you :) We will pray for each other. Keep sharing with us!
Rhesa, I don't doubt for one second that you are right where you are supposed to be, doing exactly what you are supposed to do. You exude a special connection with the Spirit like few I have ever met.
I look forward to finding ways that you can be a part of influencing my journey here at HOCC. You are a gem!
Rhesa, I'm so glad that God has brought you to this path at this time. We desperately need women in our tribe who hear God's voice clearly and have the courage to speak in ways that help others hear his voice more clearly. God has annointed you to hear and speak. Thank you for your courage in moving forward on this journey. May you be richly blessed as God prepares and uses you to bless others.
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