Monday, January 26, 2009


I lost my voice this weekend. Beside the usual annoyance of whispering all the time, it presents real challenges in parenting. My two year old knows that I can't raise my voice to get his attention, so he talks louder as he does lots of things that he shouldn't. I was trying to give my girls a bath but couldn't be heard over running water. While driving us home from church yesterday, there was an absolute mutiny in the car over entertainment choices. One wanted a movie, one wanted one CD and one had another CD in mind. I don't tolerate shouting matches over trivial things, but who could hear my corrections?

However, there are some advantages. I choose very carefully what I will say and how I will say it. It is painful to talk so I don't mince words. I am required to be very close to the person that I want to communicate with.

I also have to listen, a lot. I thought that I was a pretty good listener. I am realizing that I'm not so hot. I am always thinking about how to respond and what I would do or say differently. When I can't interrupt vocally, I'm interrupting mentally. Interesting, huh?

I wonder if I do that with God. Do I interrupt what He is trying to communicate with my loudness? I want to practice truly being silent in His presence. It won't be easy.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Dear Friends and Family

Dear Friends and Family,

Thank you so much for wanting to include our little man on the monetary incentives you offer his older sisters. However, please disist from giving him any more change. The ER bills cannot be covered by pennies in his belly.

Thank you,
Chad and Rhesa