Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday Mornings

One of my favorite moments of the week is Sunday morning, driving to church. Quite often, it has been a marathon of insanity to get in the car, on time, to drive 25 minutes to our church. My husband leaves VERY early and so I am Super Mom on Sunday morning. Only, I'm not so super to be around sometimes! :-)

But, once we get in the car, the world begins to change for me. We have a rule that we only listen to praise music on Sunday mornings and once the music begins, no talking, only singing! One of our favorites to sing along to is Chris Tomlin's "See the Morning".

This morning, sweet baby boy sang along for the first time. The only words from the whole CD he knew were "God saves" and he sang them over and over. Sometimes, they were part of the song. Sometimes, they weren't. Who cares?!? Is there anything more important?

God saves.
God saves.
God saves.
God saves.
God saves.
God saves.
God saves.

Amen, baby boy. Preach on!


Michelle said...

That is perfect! One of our favorites is How Great is Our which Hannah sang for a long time as "how grape is our gaw"

So know it has to make the Lord smile!

Thanks for sharing!

Shelley said...

AMEN! Keep singing!!! What great memories :)