Monday, October 15, 2007


I did something that I have never, in my entire life, done. I truly rested on Thursday. Do you know what is strange about that? I got so much done!

It was a beautiful day. Crisp and clear. The sun was out and the dew was heavy. I sent everyone off from my house to their various activities for the day and then I went outside. I set blankets in my yard and a CD player on my deck. I brought out my journal and sat down on the blankets. For two hours I listened to quiet, meditative, worshipful music and just sat there. There were two questions that I sought to answer in the time. I was preparing to speak to a group of women the next day and I wanted to know: 1. Is there anything that is keeping me from being your spokesperson, Lord? 2. What do you want me to say?

As I sat and laid there, thoughts would well up and I would seek to categorize them by the two questions. I filled up two journal pages with thoughts on each topic. After the initial time of listening, I started working through the thoughts that had come up. Many were situations that I needed to let go of, either in forgiveness or surrender. Then there were these ideas of what to speak about. I want to be clear that I had already done a lot of work in preparation for these presentations. But, God had some things to add. The time was rich in revelations and affirmations.

By this time the dew on the grass had begun to dry and the sun was beginning to rise over my house casting it's direct rays on the backyard where I lay. I turned on another of my favorite Cd's and lay back down. I stared up into the brilliant blue sky and praised God for all that he had done in me and for me that morning. When it would get too bright, I would close my eyes for a moment and then stare again. Once I opened my eyes to see a monarch butterfly fluttering in the breeze not 5 feet above my head. I watched until it was out of sight. I closed my eyes to offer thanks for such a beautiful view and felt the full warmth of the sun hit my face at that moment. It had broken over the chimney and was blinding in it's brilliance.

The day was overflowing in it's bounty of goodness. I was amazed that God would choose to meet me in such a normal place on such a normal day. Maybe I wasn't normal that day, though.

When have you encountered God?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This past June I went on a retreat by myself. Friday after work I drove to a friend's ranch in Central Texas, arriving about 10 pm. It was dark, but after moving my few bags inside, I walked to a clearing nearby to look at the stars (Dallas city lights prevent quality star viewing.) The night was cloudy I didn't see any stars, but I was overcome with the urge to sing praises to God. I'm not sure how long I stood outside singing and praising, but that experience freed me from a self-conciousness I have always felt when singing. At that moment, it became "all about him," and no longer about me.
I spent most of the next day outside, enjoying God's creation and spending time listening and talking to Father. I saw peacocks, goats, and even a few deer, but I didn't see or hear another human being. That was an incredible day of rest and relaxation even while God challenged me to fully trust him to care for me in every aspect of my life. I was surrounded by proof that God provides for the birds of the air and the flowers in the field. If he can do that with such beauty and perfection, how much more can he provide for me!

Thanks for sharing yourself at the retreat! You are a blessing in my life!