Tuesday, April 22, 2008


It's been a week of breakthrough ideas for me. It is a little intimidating to write about them as they may be "Well, duh!" to you but I'm going to do it anyway!

1. God cares about our financial burdens. I know that scripture promises that God cares for the birds and flowers. I believe that but I always assumed that God despised our modern money system and wouldn't move in it. Did God really care how much MRI's cost and that vans need new transmissions? Yes, He does. Why? Because He loves His people and His people have to be aware of those things.
2. Grace is big; really, really, really big! I've hinted on this blog about my family's financial fears. Here is the reality: we are in a sinking ship. For all of our attempts to be good stewards and responsible with what we have been blessed with, this boat is going down. There is nothing we can do but bail water. Sometimes we can bail fast enough that it looks like we might save the thing but really, there is no chance. Boats with holes in them don't stay afloat. This week, a yacht picked us up and sailed us to safety. That's grace. I got to witness it firsthand when God moved in a way that I could never have expected, prayed for, or imagined. He rescued us through faithful servants.
3. God is living and active. He moves through His people in ways that defy logic and reason. I wonder about all the times that God wanted to move through my hands, feet and words but I denied Him the opportunity. Father, forgive me. Thank you for epiphany #2 when I realize how many times I have failed at epiphany #3. Thank you for those who recognize your promptings and act.
4. The fear of money can be idolatry. When thoughts of drowning in a sea of debt control my waking, and sleeping, thoughts, I am worshipping money. Not because I love it but because I have let it have power over me.

So am I Captain Obvious today?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you're captian obvious,than I'm the first mate. I do the same thing.

I've also found it frustrating that there are so many religious people saying debt is not where God wants us, and we are irresponsible for getting there.

You know, sometimes, we have to use a card to pay for someone to get tubes in their ears, or even for a prescription that is astronomical. I know debt isn't of God, but I also know, he is sufficient. No Matter What. I am no less redeemed because we struggle in our finances.

I appreciate you girl!