Monday, July 30, 2007

Oh, how you've grown!

One of the first things that I say when seeing the children of friends after a period of time apart is, "Oh! They are getting so big!"

Usually, that comment is countered with ideas like, "Now so and so has learned to walk." or "Can you believe how fast they are growing?"

It seems to be part of being a parent that you automatically slip into brag mode when talking about your kids. It is even worse if you haven't seen that person in a while.

I guess that adults can be this way as well. When a high school or college reunion is coming up, everyone scrambles to lose 10 pounds, get their roots touched up, and wishes that they had a more exciting job to describe. We feel the need to prove that we have grown into more than people expected of us.

I find myself wishing sometimes that someone would notice my spiritual growth. No one ever says things like, "You really have matured in the faith since the last time I saw you." or "I see you becoming more like Jesus." Yes, I know. It would be weird if anyone actually said those things outloud to me.

But, I long to be growing. I want to be moving in the right direction. I desire maturity more than anything else. And sometimes, I just want to know if I'm on the right track. I want those that are older and wiser in the faith to see me growing in the right direction.

I wonder, though, if that is pride on my part. Do I want to hear others say, "Oo! Look how spiritual she is!" Because that's not healthy growth at all; that's cancer!

What do you think about that?


Kristi said...

Hey girl! I love it! Your blog is cute and your topics are extremely thought-provoking. Look forward to reading! Happy blogging!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blog-o-sphere!!! Please don't proofread my entries. :) Love you and glad to hear from you.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Rhesa! I love your blog page! Way to enter into the 21st Century. I have yet to do a blog. But I will enjoy reading yours!
Your dance partner~ Sandy

Anonymous said...

I am beginning to feel like the only person left without a blog! I did really enjoy your thoughts. It is very interesting that we (us "good Christian people")would readily admit that our spiritual growth is much more important than those physical things we tend to put much more time and energy into. I look forward to reading your thoughts! Love you girl!